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Alpha Kappa Kairos

Spring 2021

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UVA Alumna 2023


Big: Lauren Yun (Alpha Eta)

Littles: Tiffany Cheung & Heather Nguyen (Alpha Xi)

Ethnicity: Chinese, French

Hometown: Sterling, Virginia


"Now if you never shoot, you'll never know. And if you never eat, you'll never grow." -The 1975

#192 - Ling "monArch" Allard




Big: Ying Yuan (Alpha Theta)

Little: Uyen Tran (Alpha Mu)

Ethnicity: Indian

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama


"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." - Frederick Keonig

#194 - Safa "RAiA" Khan




Big: Victoria Wang (Alpha Epsilon)

Little: Lisa Bu (Alpha Nu)

Ethnicity: Chinese

Hometown: Chantilly, VA


"What is done in love is done well” - Vincent van Gogh 

#195 - Michelle "d.QUEEN" Kwan

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SP21 individual photo.jpg

UVA Alumna 2023


Big: Gloria Lee (Alpha Eta)

Little: Amanda Yang (Alpha Xi)

Ethnicity: Chinese

Hometown: Beijing, China


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller"


#197 - Katherine "Aza*L*ea Zhang


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Although this organization has members who are University of Virginia students and may have University employees associated or engaged in its activities and affairs, the organization is not a part of or an agency of the University. It is a separate and independent organization which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs. The University does not direct, supervise or control the organization and is not responsible for the organization's contracts, acts or omissions.

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